Case Study

  • Energenic Batteries
  • Jyoti Interior
  • HFM Solar

Client Overview

Energenic Batteries is a startup company that specializes in providing sustainable energy storage solutions. The company’s goal is to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.


The client approached us with a challenge of generating leads and building a strong online presence. They were struggling to gain visibility in the market, and as a result, they were not getting enough leads.

Our Approach

To tackle the client’s challenge, we implemented a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, which involved the following:

Website SEO : ​

We conducted a thorough analysis of the client's website and optimized it for search engines. We made sure that the website was user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and had relevant content that matched the user's search queries.

Instagram Posting :

We created an Instagram account for the client and posted regular updates about their products, services, and achievements. We also made sure to use relevant hashtags and engage with the audience.

Improvement in LinkedIn Profile :

We improved the client's LinkedIn profile by adding a clear description of their business and highlighting their strengths. We also encouraged the client's employees to update their profiles and connect with potential clients.

Content on LinkedIn :

We created and posted high-quality content on LinkedIn that provided value to the target audience. The content included articles, infographics, and videos, which helped position Energenic Batteries as a thought leader in the industry.

Result :

As a result of our approach, Energenic Batteries was able to generate a few leads from LinkedIn. The website traffic and social media engagement also increased significantly, which helped build a strong online presence for the client. The client was satisfied with the results, and we continue to work with them to improve their digital marketing efforts.

Client Overview

Jyoti Interiur, an interior design company, was interested in growing their online presence and generating leads through social media. They decided to focus their efforts on Instagram by running ads and regularly posting content to engage their audience. However, their results were not as expected as they only received a few inquiries from their leads.


The biggest challenge that Jyoti Interiur faced was generating high-quality leads through their online efforts. Despite their efforts in running ads and regularly posting content on Instagram, they were not able to attract the right audience that would convert into paying customers. The company was struggling to understand what they could do to attract better leads and convert them into customers.

Our Approach

To tackle the issue, Jyoti Interiur conducted an analysis of their current social media strategy. They identified the following areas of improvement:

Targeting : ​

The company realized that they were not targeting the right audience through their Instagram ads. They were targeting a broad audience, which led to unqualified leads. Jyoti Interiur decided to narrow down their audience targeting by using Instagram's advanced targeting options, such as location, interests, and demographics. This helped them to attract the right audience who were interested in their services.

Content :

Jyoti Interiur realized that their content was not engaging enough to attract leads. They were just posting photos of their work without any context or explanation. The company decided to focus on creating engaging content that would resonate with their audience. They started posting more behind-the-scenes content, tips, and tutorials on interior design, which helped to increase engagement.

Lead Magnet :

The company realized that they were not offering anything to entice their audience to take action. They started offering a free e-book on interior design tips and tricks to those who signed up for their newsletter. This helped them to generate more leads and grow their email list.

Result :

After implementing the above changes, Jyoti Interiur was able to see significant improvement in their online lead generation efforts. They were able to attract high-quality leads who were interested in their services, resulting in more inquiries and conversions. They were also able to grow their email list, which they could use to nurture their leads and turn them into paying customers.

Client Overview

HFM is a startup that wanted to create a website that would represent their brand and attract customers. They decided to invest in website development and research to achieve their goal. The company was successful in developing a good website that met their requirements.


The biggest challenge that HFM faced was creating a website that would stand out in a crowded market. They wanted to create a website that would represent their brand and attract customers, but they were not sure how to achieve this. The company also had limited resources and wanted to create a website that would fit within their budget.

Our Approach

To tackle the issue, HFM decided to invest in website development and research. They identified the following steps to achieve their goal:

Research : ​

The company conducted extensive research on their competitors' websites to understand the design, functionality, and user experience. They also researched their target audience to understand their preferences and expectations. This helped them to identify the key elements that they needed to include in their website to attract and retain customers.

Design :

HFM hired a web development agency to design and develop their website. The agency worked closely with the company to understand their brand, goals, and target audience. They created a visually appealing website that was easy to navigate and had a responsive design that worked well on all devices.

Functionality :

The website was designed with the user experience in mind. It had clear and concise content, an easy-to-use navigation menu, and a clear call-to-action that encouraged users to contact HFM. The website also had social media integration, which helped the company to reach a wider audience.

Result :

After completing the website development project, HFM was able to achieve their goals of creating a website that represented their brand and attracted customers. The website was visually appealing, easy to navigate, and had clear content that communicated the company’s value proposition. The website also helped the company to establish a strong online presence and reach a wider audience.